Mother and I were in Barcelona for less and 24 hours.  It was extremely confusing to me to switch from Italian to Spanish because they are so close I kept mixing up my languages.  And then when I would get really confused I would automatically revert back to Chinese.  I don’t know much about Barcelona to be honest.  After I dropped Spanish I moved my attention more to China rather than Spain.  But from what I saw, it is a beautiful city.  The architecture there is amazing and so creative!  The driving is crazy, of course, and the people were very nice.  I would like to spend some more time there.  But I think I should bring someone who speaks Spanish and I should do some more research of my own before I come back.  To be honest the thing I was most excited about was the pillows and the bed.  All over Italy their pillows and rather flat and the beds are closer to boards than to my mattress back home.  Don’t think I am complaining because I slept very well on those beds after a long day.  But I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud that night.  The next morning Mia and my dad came to meet us.  It had been about a month since I had seen them and it was pretty great to have them with us.  Shortly after they arrived we headed off to board our ship.

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