I know it has been a while since I have posted anything and I am sorry for that.  The internet connection was a bit frustrating and usually by the time I got back to the room and ready for bed it was late and sleep sounded a lot better than writing.  But Let me recap some of my grand adventures!


                We got to sleep in a little bit!  At eleven the restaurant manager, massimiliano, took us on a wonderful tour.  Our first stop was to a company that produces olive oil and wine.  The owner took us on a small tour and described some of the process.  He was so kind!  The way that he talked about the process and the product was almost sacred.  You can tell that this was his whole life.  Second, we went to a farm where they make cheese.  This is a family operation and it was wonderful!  Not only did we see the process but we talked to real people.  We talked to the main son in charge, we were there when his three daughters came home from their first day of school, his brother was grilling dinner outside, and his wife talked with my mother and me about life.  They showed us their goats and gave us fresh figs off of their personal tree.  And on top of all this we were given three containers of cheese to take with us.  Then we went to another vineyard for lunch.  We ate with the family that runs the vineyard.  The lady in charge (I never caught her name) told us all the best places to shop, the man in charge (I didn’t catch his name either) talked to us about olive oil and wine, and their daughter Bianca asked questions about Hollywood because she is an actress and wants to go there.  My favorite part about today was just seeing how real everything is.  Wine, olive oil, and cheese aren’t just products but they are the products of people’s lives. 

                In the afternoon we had a cooking class and learned how to make chocolate lava cake and different jams and preserves.  Have you ever had pepper jelly (like red peppers)?  It is actually quite good but a combination that I defiantly wouldn’t have thought of making.


                Our biggest cooking day!!  We made so many things!!  We made two different kinds of soup, stuffed zucchini, eggplant parmesan, lemon sorbet, berry and coffee tiramisu, and artichoke flan (which is practically baked artichoke).  Oh my goodness it was so good!!  I learned so much!  Tommasso (our chef) is such a joker.  He would say (in his accent) “put just a little bit of olive oil in here” and he would put about two or three cups of oil in!  Mother almost had a heart attack!!

                We went to Siena in the afternoon which is the second most popular city in Tuscany.  Fun fact Florence and Siena are arch enemies, their feud is legendary.    It was utterly ridiculous because we only had about one hour to wander.  However, in that time we saw utterly amazing cathedrals, the area of the horse races, bought wonderful food, and bought souvenirs.  About the cathedrals here, they compare to nothing!  I have seen Notre Dame and it doesn’t compare.  The marble is different colors and the detail is so specific.  I literally have no words.  I only wish that my pictures did it justice.  The horse race is very renowned.  There are seventeen neighborhoods in Siena and they all have a jockey and they have joint stable for seventeen horses.  Two days before the race the jockeys are told which horse they are to ride.  Just to tell you how big of a deal this race is they have been celebrating the winner now for 45 days. . . yup. 

                Once again the people here are so nice!  I went into a bakery and wanted to buy something.  I asked the lady for one cookie and I asked her how to say it in Italian (I attempted this in Italian) and because I tried she told me how to say it and she gave me another cookie but a different kind and didn’t charge me.  While I was doing this my mother was buying some dishes and having them sent home.  In case you didn’t know, the pottery here is spectacular.  However, the shipping is very expensive.  My mother and I must be the stereotypical tourist because we left the shop saying “what did I buy and how did it cost that much”


                We checked out of the cooking school.  I will miss all of those people so much.  We were invited into their lives and treated more like family than guests.  I feel like I have known them for years.  I think that was my highlight of the week.  Meeting all of the people that I did and really getting to know them.  I am now in Florence which is amazing!  We are in this cute little hotel and it is a walk away from pretty much everything.  We went shopping at a street market and there is a little bit of everything.  I tried on three gorgeous leather jackets, looked at so many purses, bought scarves and saw practically everything.  I love these kinds of markets but I really don’t like being pushed around and told what to try on by random strangers.  In a way it makes me feel a bit constrained.  In the end out of all the fine leather and crafts I bought sweaters.  I guess you could call me a true Wyoming girl.  However, let me just say everything is amazing here.


                Life here is like walking into a medieval movie.  These are true medieval towns.  Google them, you won’t believe it.  Chianti was colder than I was expecting and I was in serious need of a heavier jacket.  I love the people here.  I just love it here.

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