Today we took a train to Florence which was utterly lovely. On the way there we saw a wall that was built 600 years before Christ!!!  Then we got picked up and taken to our new hotel where we will be attending our cooking school.  It is interesting so far.  We having really been told anything about where or when we were suppose to meet anyone and people's English is a little rougher here than in Rome.  They added another wine tasting tour on to the agenda and I think we will skip it.  I don't mind learning about how it is done and the history but two tours is one too many.  Telling people here that we done drink is new.  The idea is so weird to them and even though we turned away the wine with dinner they brought us a free dessert drink so I guess the message didnt carry threw translation.  I had the most amazing meals today!  When was the last time you took an hour for breakfast and just sat and read a book while you munched on homemade sausages?  Dinner was even better!  I had a three course (practically four) meal which various styles of bruschetta, home grown tomatoes, lamb chops, and tiramisu (sorry my spelling is awful).  I am soooo full it is wonderful.  So far I think I will favor Florence over Rome.  The pace of life is slower so it is easier to stop and enjoy each and every moment  I am most definitely going to get fat here :)

Oh and sorry about all the door and window pictures. Everything here is just so beautiful and unique that is seems a shame not to preserve it all in my memory.

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