Surprise surprise, my sickness got worse and I spent another day in bed.  I suppose it is what I deserved for being foolish and getting chilled.  I spent the entire day sleeping and doing a bit of research and thinking about what I want to do next semester.  It was incredibly frustrating and I found myself crying over everything throughout the day.  That is what happens when I get sick, I am normally a cry baby anyway so when I get sick I am just a never ending stream of tears.  On the other hand, mom, dad, and mia had a great day walking around Mykonos.  The city was designed as a maze so that invading armies would get lost in the streets.  Needless to say, my family got lost as well.   They also rented an ATV and drove it over to a beach and waded in the water.  They also attended an evening show that was almost like a circus.  They said it was unbelievable.  And my father said that the best part was that it told a story.  Fun F, I performed with a circus once.  I did the trapeze, and I find all of the stunts very majestic.  I get the same feeling with aerial performances as I do with dance and theater.  It is an art form that, if you allow it to, can join onto your soul and lift it up to the heavens. 

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