We went back to Rome to meet up with my aunt MJ.  This wonderful woman traveled all the way to Italy to spend a week with my mother and me.  We stayed in Rome for a few days and we tried to squeeze in all the events and sights we could see.  We revisited the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon on the first day.  We also saw the Coliseum, the Vatican, and then finally the Forum.  The main thing that really struck me about seeing all of these things was the mere age of everything.  Over here everything is based around the life of Jesus and so let me just give a little perspective.  Pompeii was engulfed from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.  There is a wall in Rome right by the train station that dates back to 600 BC.  For those of you familiar with the LDS doctrine, Nephi would have been alive when that wall was standing tall.  There is a marble slab in the Vatican floor that was where all the kings needed to kneel in order to be crowned.  Today it is just a part of the floor and people just walk over without knowing what it really is.  To be honest I still can’t wrap my mind around all the history that is around me.  It is rather difficult to process the fact that over a thousand years ago people walked these streets and lived here.  All I know is that when I get home I will be doing a lot of reading on history!

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