Today we had a different chef because luca is on a holiday with his family (three days off, what most Americans would call a long weekend). Our new chef's name is Tomas. Today we focused on pasta. However, mother made a slight mistake. She told the old chef that she was a vegetarian but she ate some fish. This opened Pandora's box in mother's eyes. Today as a surprise Tomas brought sea bass, calms the size of an open palm, and little octopus. My mother doesn't do too well with this kind of stuff especially when Tomas is cutting the head off the octopuses telling her to eat it! However, once everything was cooked it was amazing and mother even ate it.

We made several kinds of pasta, a few kinda of ravioli, stringy pasta, gnocchi, and lasanga. Did you know that no where in Italy do they put ricotta cheese in lasanga? Instead they use a gravy like sauce! I will include some pictures with some details of the food.

After lunch mom and I came back to the room and thankfully we didn't have a tour this afternoon. We decided to take a short nap which is extremely dangerous!

We woke up four hours later.

This is sea bass filling for some ravioli
Momma was in charge of taking notes today
Each ravioli is filled with something different. Some have cheese and others have fish. The red pasta is colored with tomato paste and the black is colored with squid ink.
This is the "cheese sauce" for the lasagna
Green pasta has spinach in it most of the time.
Mom's has a red pesto and mine has meat
This is what we did with the clam and octopus. We cut it up and mixed it with ricotta cheese. Rolled it into balls and covered it with flour.
This is dessert ravioli!!!! Chocolate pasta with cream inside. I also included a blueberry inside mine

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